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Public commands

Here's how to use cwc to perfom any actions you could do with the web console and be able to code some automation/IaC scripts (i.e: shells scripts, ansible roles, terraform, etc).


  • To checkout how to install and update the cwc cli checkout this tutorial.
  • For the commands accessible for the administrators, checkout this tutorial


This tutorial is also available in the following languages:

Usage, help version​

cwc help # or -h or --help for getting help
cwc version # or -v or --version for getting the current version



cwc login -a <access_key> -s <secret_key>

In order to create the access_key and the secret_key, you can checkout this tutorial.

Default configurations​

Read the current configurations​

cwc configure get endpoint
cwc configure get provider
cwc configure get region
cwc configure get format

cwc configure ls

This command will list the available config files available on your .cwc folder in your machine.


Configuring the default endpoint, default region, default output format and provider with:

cwc configure

You can tap enter if you want to keep the current value:

cwc configure
Default endpoint []:
Default provider [ovh]:
Default region [UK1]:
Default format [json]:

Note: After configuring your cli a config file will be created automatically in the .cwc folder in the home directory.

You can check available providers and regions with the following commands:

cwc provider ls
cwc region ls # you have to set the provider to get the up to date list of available regions here

For each settings you also can configure with a specific command:

cwc configure set endpoint
cwc configure set provider ovh
cwc configure set region UK1
cwc configure set format json

And you can also create a config file to use with the configuration you made:

cwc configure switch <config_file_name>

This will take the config file existing in the .cwc folder you choose and set up the configuration.

If you want to import a config file existing in a different directory you can use the following command:

cwc configure import <config_file_path>

Output's formats​

The know output's format are the following:

  • plain: columns separated with spaces, usable in a shell script
  • json: JSON format, usable in more high level programing languages
  • pretty: more understandable output for human but not very usable in a program or shell scripts. This format can be punctually asked by adding -p or --pretty directly in your commands.



cwc project ls

Note: You can add -t (or --type) flag to get filter the projects by type (either vm or k8s)

Search Project​

Search Project By ID​

cwc project ls -P <project_id>
cwc project ls --id <project_id>

Search Project By Name​

cwc project ls -n <project_name>
cwc project ls --name <project_name>

Search Project By URL​

cwc project ls -u <project_url>
cwc project ls --url <project_url>


cwc project create -n <project_name>


  • If you want to create a project in another Gitlab instance you can provide the Gitlab host, the group id, your access token and your git username by adding these options:
    • -h or --host: Gitlab instance host
    • -t or --token: your Gitlab access token
    • -g or --git: Your Git username
    • -n or --namespace: namespace or group id where the project will be created
    • -p or --type: Project type (vm or k8s)


Delete Project By ID​

cwc project delete -p <project_id>
cwc project delete --id <project_id>

Delete Project By Name​

cwc project delete -n <project_name>
cwc project delete --name <project_name>

Delete Project By URL​

cwc project delete -u <project_url>
cwc project delete --url <project_url>

DNS zones​


cwc dnszones ls



cwc environment ls

Get by ID​

cwc environment ls -e <environment_id>
cwc environment ls --environment <environment_id>pretty


List instances types of selected provider​

cwc instance type ls

List instances​

cwc instance ls

List instance by ID​

cwc instance ls -i <instance_id>
cwc instance ls --instance <instance_id>


cwc instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -p <project_name> -z <zone>
cwc instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -i <project_id> -z <zone>
cwc instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -u <project_url> -z <zone>


  • use nova zone for ovh and 1 or 2 for scaleway
  • instance_type corresponds to the provider instance sizing (i.e: DEV1-M for Scaleway)
  • use --dns_zone or -d to choose the dns zone in which the instance will be created (you can list availble zones using cwc dnszones ls)


cwc instance attach -n <playbook_name> -t <instance_type> -p <project_name> -z <zone>


  • use nova zone for ovh and 1 or 2 for scaleway
  • instance_type corresponds to the provider instance sizing (i.e: DEV1-M for Scaleway)

Update status​

cwc instance update -i <instance_id> -s <action>


  • The status must be poweroff, poweron or reboot


cwc instance delete -i <instance_id>
cwc instance delete --instance <instance_id>

Buckets / object storage​


cwc bucket ls

Get by ID​

cwc bucket ls -b <bucket_id>
cwc bucket ls --bucket <bucket_id>

Renew credentials​

cwc bucket renew -b <bucket_id>
cwc bucket renew --bucket <bucket_id>


cwc bucket delete -b <bucket_id>
cwc bucket delete --bucket <bucket_id>

OCI / Docker registries​


cwc registry ls

Get by ID​

cwc registry ls -r <registry_id>
cwc registry ls --registry <registry_id>

Renew credentials​

cwc registry renew -r <registry_id>
cwc registry renew --registry <registry_id>


cwc registry delete -r <registry_id>
cwc registry delete --registry <registry_id>

FaaS / Serverless​





cwc faas languages ls

Serverless functions​


cwc faas function ls

Get by ID​

cwc faas function ls -f <function_id>
cwc faas function ls --function <function_id>


cwc faas function create -n <function_name> -l <language_name>
cwc faas function create --name <function_name> --language <language_name>
  • By default the function created is private if you add -p or --public flag the function becomes public.
  • There are other optional flags for direct creation:
-l # or --language: Language of the function
-r # or --regexp: regular expression for args protection
-u # or --callback-url: callback's URL
-a # or --callback-authorization-header: Authorization's header of the callback
-g # or --args arguments: (you can repeat this option for each argument's values)
-c # or --code: source code of the function
  • Instead of entering the optional flags behind each other you can enter your data with the interactive mode by adding -i or --interactive flag.


cwc faas function update -f <function_id>
cwc faas function update --function <function_id>

You can update the function by going through the interactive mode by adding -i or --interactive flag or you can pass your data directly with these optional flags:

-l # or --language: Language of the function
-r # or --regexp: regular expression for args protection
-u # or --callback-url: callback's URL
-a # or --callback-authorization-header: Authorization's header of the callback
-g # or --args arguments: (you can repeat this option for each argument's values)
-c # or --code: source code of the function


cwc faas function delete -f <function_id>
cwc faas function delete --function <function_id>



cwc faas invocation ls

Get by ID​

cwc faas invocation ls -i <invocation_id>
cwc faas invocation ls --invocation <invocation_id>


cwc faas invocation create -f <function_id>
cwc faas invocation create --function <function_id>
  • There is other optional flag for direct creation:
-a # or --args: arguments (you can repeat this option for each argument's values)
-s # or --synchronous: enable the synchronous mode
  • Instead of entering the optional flag you can enter your data with the interactive mode by adding -i or --interactive flag.


cwc faas invocation delete -i <invocation_id>
cwc faas invocation delete --invocation <invocation_id>


cwc faas invocation truncate


List kinds​

cwc faas trigger kinds


cwc faas trigger ls

Get by ID​

cwc faas trigger ls -t  <trigger_id>
cwc faas trigger ls --trigger <trigger_id>


cwc faas trigger create -f <function_id>
cwc faas trigger create --function <function_id>
  • There are other optional flags for direct creation:
-n # or --name: trigger's name
-k # or --kind: trigger' kind
-c # or --cron_expr: trigger's cron expression
-a # or --args: arguments (you can repeat this option for each argument's values)
  • Instead of entering the optional flag you can enter your data with the interactive mode by adding -i or --interactive flag.


cwc faas trigger delete -t  <trigger_id>
cwc faas trigger delete --trigger <trigger_id>


cwc faas trigger truncate



List deployments​

cwc kubernetes deployment ls

List deployment by ID​

cwc kubernetes deployment ls -d <deployment_id>
## or
cwc kubernetes deployment ls --id <deployment_id>

Create deployment​

cwc kubernetes deployment create -n <deployment_name> -d <deployment_description> -c <cluster_id> -i <project_id> -e <environment_id>
## or
cwc kubernetes deployment create --name <deployment_name> --description <deployment_description> --cluster <cluster_id> --project <project_id> --environment <environment_id>

Delete deployment by ID​

cwc kubernetes deployment delete -d <deployment_id>
## or
cwc kubernetes deployment delete --id <deployment_id>


Send an email​

You can send an email with the following command:

cwc email -t <recepient_email> -s <subject> -c <content>


  • There are other optional flags you can add:
    • -f to add customized expeditor email address
    • -b to add a bcc email address



cwc monitor ls

Get by ID​

cwc monitor ls -m <monitor_id>
cwc monitor ls --monitor <monitor_id>

Note: You can add -p or --pretty flag to get a more readable output


cwc monitor create -n <monitor_name> -u <monitor_url>

Optional flags:

  • -y or --type: Type of the monitor (http, tcp) - defaults to "http"
  • -f or --family: Family of the monitor
  • -m or --method: HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT) - defaults to "GET"
  • -e or --expected_http_code: Expected HTTP response code (200, 201, 401...) - defaults to "20*"
  • -b or --body: Request body - defaults to "hello"
  • -c or --expected_contain: Expected content in the response
  • -t or --timeout: Request timeout in seconds - defaults to 30
  • -s or --username: Basic auth username
  • -p or --password: Basic auth password
  • -H or --headers: Custom headers in format "key1:value1,key2:value2"
  • -l or --level: Log level of the monitor (info, debug) - defaults to "info"
  • -k or --check_tls: Activate/Deactivate TLS certificate check - Activated by default
  • -C or --callbacks: Callbacks in format type:http,endpoint:,token:123;type:mqtt,endpoint:mqtt://,topic:test


cwc monitor update -i <monitor_id>

Optional flags:

  • -y or --type: Type of the monitor (http or tcp)
  • -n or --name: Name of the monitor
  • -f or --family: Family of the monitor
  • -u or --url: URL to monitor
  • -m or --method: HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT)
  • -e or --expected_http_code: Expected HTTP response code
  • -b or --body: Request body
  • -c or --expected_contain: Expected content in the response
  • -t or --timeout: Request timeout in seconds
  • -s or --username: Basic auth username
  • -p or --password: Basic auth password
  • -H or --headers: Custom headers in format "key1:value1,key2:value2"
  • -l or --level: Log level of the monitor (info, debug) - defaults to "info"
  • -k or --check_tls: Activate/Deactivate TLS certificate check - Activated by default
  • -C or --callbacks: Callbacks in format type:http,endpoint:,token:123;type:mqtt,endpoint:mqtt://,topic:test


cwc monitor delete -m <monitor_id>
cwc monitor delete --monitor <monitor_id>