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Admin commands

The admin commands are used to control and manage your self-hosted version of CWCloud.


  • Those commands are only for admin users (if you're using a self-hosted version for example)
  • To checkout how to install and update the cwc cli checkout this tutorial
  • For the commands accessible for all users, checkout this tutorial (you should read-it first to handle authentication)


This tutorial is also available in the following languages:



cwc admin user ls

Get user by ID​

cwc admin user ls -u <user_id>
cwc admin user ls --user <user_id>


cwc admin user delete -u <user_id>
cwc admin user delete --user <user_id>



cwc admin project ls

Search Project​

Search Project By ID​

cwc admin project ls -p <project_id>
cwc admin project ls --id <project_id>

Search Project By Name​

cwc admin project ls -n <project_name>
cwc admin project ls --name <project_name>

Search Project By URL​

cwc admin project ls -u <project_url>
cwc admin project ls --url <project_url>


cwc admin project create -n <project_name>


  • If you want to create a project in another Gitlab instance you can provide the Gitlab host, the group id, your access token and your git username by adding these options:
    • -h or --host: Gitlab instance host
    • -t or --token: your Gitlab access token
    • -g or --git: Your Git username
    • -n or --namespace: namespace or group id where the project will be created
    • -p or --type: Project type (vm or k8s)


Delete Project By ID​

cwc admin project delete -p <project_id>
cwc admin project delete --id <project_id>

Delete Project By Name​

cwc admin project delete -n <project_name>
cwc admin project delete --name <project_name>

Delete Project By URL​

cwc admin project delete -u <project_url>
cwc admin project delete --url <project_url>


Add environment​

cwc admin environment create -n <name> -r <role1>,<role2>  -m <main_role> -p <path> -d <description> -s <subdomain1>,<subdomain2>
cwc admin environment create --name <name> --roles <role1>,<role2> -main-role <main_role> --path <path> --description <description> --subdomains <subdomain1>,<subdomain2>

Note: if you want to mark the environment as private use the -a or --private flag.

List all environments​

cwc admin environment ls

Get environment by ID​

cwc admin environment ls -e <environment_id>
cwc admin environment ls --environment <environment_id>


List instances​

cwc admin instance ls

Get instance by ID​

cwc admin instance ls -i <instance_id>
cwc admin instance ls --instance <instance_id>


cwc admin instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -p <project_name> -z <zone> -m <user_mail>
cwc admin instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -i <project_id> -z <zone> -m <user_mail>
cwc admin instance create -n <instance_name> -e <environement> -t <instance_type> -u <project_url> -z <zone> -m <user_mail>


  • use nova zone for ovh and 1 or 2 for scaleway
  • instance_type corresponds to the provider instance sizing (i.e: DEV1-M for Scaleway)
  • use --dns_zone ou -d to choose the dns zone in which the instance will be created (you can list availble instances by running cwc dnszones ls)

Update status​

cwc admin instance update -i <instance_id> -s <action>
cwc admin instance update --instance <instance_id> --status <action>

Note: status must be poweroff, poweron or reboot


cwc admin instance delete -i <instance_id>
cwc admin instance delete --instance <instance_id>

Refresh state​

cwc admin instance refresh -i <instance_id>
cwc admin instance refresh --instance <instance_id>

Buckets / object storage​

Add bucket to a user​

cwc admin bucket create -n <bucket_name> -t <bucket_type> -u <user_mail>
cwc admin bucket create --name <bucket_name> --type <bucket_type> --user <user_mail>

List all buckets​

cwc admin bucket ls

Get bucket by ID​

cwc admin bucket ls -b <bucket_id>
cwc admin bucket ls --bucket <bucket_id>

Renew credentials​

cwc admin bucket renew  -b <bucket_id>
cwc admin bucket renew --bucket <bucket_id>

Transfer to another user​

cwc bucket transfer -b <bucket_id> -e <receiver_email>
cwc bucket transfer --bucket <bucket_id> --email <receiver_email>


cwc admin bucket delete -b <bucket_id>
cwc admin bucket delete --bucket <bucket_id>

OCI / Docker registries​

Add registry to a user​

cwc admin registry create -n <registry_name> -t <registry_type> -u <user_mail>
cwc admin registry create --name <registry_name> --type <registry_type> --user <user_mail>


cwc admin registry ls

Get Registry by ID​

cwc admin registry ls -r <registry_id>
cwc admin registry ls --registry <registry_id>

renew credentials​

cwc admin registry renew -r <registry_id>
cwc admin registry renew --registry <registry_id>

Transfer to another user​

cwc registry transfer -r <registry_id> -e <receiver_email>
cwc registry transfer --registry <registry_id> --email <receiver_email>


cwc admin registry delete -r <registry_id>
cwc admin registry delete --registry <registry_id>


Send email​

cwc admin email -f -t -s subject -c content -m false
cwc admin email --from --to --subject subject --content content --templated false

Faas function​


cwc admin faas function ls

Get owner by function ID​

cwc admin faas function ls -f <function_id>
cwc admin faas function ls --function <function_id>

Faas invocation​


cwc admin faas invocation ls

Get invoker by invocation ID​

cwc admin faas invocation ls -i <invocation_id>
cwc admin faas invocation ls --invocation <invocation_id>

Faas Trigger​


cwc admin faas trigger ls

Get owner by trigger ID​

cwc admin faas trigger ls -t  <trigger_id>
cwc admin faas trigger ls --trigger <trigger_id>



List all environments​

cwc admin kubernetes environment ls


List all clusters​

cwc admin kubernetes cluster ls

Delete cluster by Id​

cwc admin kubernetes cluster delete -c <cluster_id>
## or
cwc admin kubernetes cluster delete --cluster <cluster_id>


Send an email​

You can send an email with the following command:

cwc email -t <recepient_email> -s <subject> -c <content>


  • There are other optional flags you can add:
    • -f to add customized expeditor email address
    • -b to add a bcc email address
    • -t to use the comwork cloud template

Dns Records​

List all the available DNS Records​

You can list all the available DNS records according to the pre-configured provider:

cwc admin dnsRecord ls

Create a DNS record​

cwc admin dnsRecord create -n <record_name> -z <zone> -t <type> -l <ttl> -d <data>
## or
cwc admin dnsRecord create --name <record_name> --zone <zone> --type <type> -ttl <ttl> -d <data>

Delete a DNS record​

cwc admin dnsRecord delete -r <record_id> -n <record_name> -z <zone>
## or
cwc admin dnsRecord delete --record <record_id> --name <record_name> --zone <zone>



cwc admin monitor ls

Get monitor by ID​

cwc admin monitor ls -m <monitor_id>
cwc admin monitor ls --id <monitor_id>


  • Use -p or --pretty flag to format the output in a more readable way


cwc admin monitor create -n <name> -u <url> [options]

Required flags:

  • -n or --name: Name of the monitor
  • -u or --url: URL to monitor

Optional flags:

  • -y or --type: Type of monitor (http or tcp) - default: "http"
  • -f or --family: Family of the monitor
  • -m or --method: HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT) - default: "GET"
  • -e or --expected_http_code: Expected HTTP response code - default: "20*"
  • -b or --body: Request body - default: "hello"
  • -c or --expected_contain: Expected content in response
  • -t or --timeout: Request timeout in seconds - default: 30
  • -s or --username: Basic auth username
  • -p or --password: Basic auth password
  • -H or --headers: Request headers in format "key1:value1,key2:value2"
  • -l or --level: Log level of the monitor (info, debug) - defaults to "info"
  • -k or --check_tls: Activate/Deactivate TLS certificate check - Activated by default
  • -C or --callbacks: Callbacks in format type:http,endpoint:,token:123;type:mqtt,endpoint:mqtt://,topic:test
  • -i or --user_id: User ID - default: 43


cwc admin monitor update -m <monitor_id> [options]

Required flags:

  • -m or --id: Monitor ID to update

Optional flags:

  • -y or --type: Type of monitor (http or tcp) - default: "http"
  • -n or --name: Name of the monitor
  • -f or --family: Family of the monitor
  • -u or --url: URL to monitor
  • -M or --method: HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT) - default: "GET"
  • -e or --expected_http_code: Expected HTTP response code - default: "20*"
  • -b or --body: Request body
  • -c or --expected_contain: Expected content in response
  • -t or --timeout: Request timeout in seconds - default: 30
  • -s or --username: Basic auth username
  • -p or --password: Basic auth password
  • -H or --headers: Request headers in format "key1:value1,key2:value2"
  • -l or --level: Log level of the monitor (info, debug) - defaults to "info"
  • -k or --check_tls: Activate/Deactivate TLS certificate check - Activated by default
  • -C or --callbacks: Callbacks in format type:http,endpoint:,token:123;type:mqtt,endpoint:mqtt://,topic:test
  • -I or --user_id: User ID


cwc admin monitor delete -m <monitor_id>
cwc admin monitor delete --monitor <monitor_id>