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Overleaf as a service

Overleaf is an opensource online platform for generating document from LaTeX inputs and work in a collaborative way similar to gitlab or github. Very suitable for a research and development team.


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Finish the installation

Once the creation of your overleaf's instance is finished:

docker exec sharelatex grunt user:create-admin

You'll have this output:

The grunt command is deprecated, run the create-user script using node instead
+ TASK=user:create-admin
+ shift 1
+ cd /overleaf/services/web
+ case "$TASK" in
+ echo 'The grunt command is deprecated, run the create-user script using node instead'
+ node modules/server-ce-scripts/scripts/create-user --admin
Using default settings from /overleaf/services/web/config/settings.defaults.js
Using settings from /etc/sharelatex/settings.js
{"name":"default-sharelatex","hostname":"c23ac327af9a","pid":450,"level":40,"msg":"Email transport and/or parameters not defined. No emails will be sent.","time":"2022-10-19T16:56:29.446Z","v":0}

Successfully created as an admin user.

Please visit the following URL to set a password for and log in:


Then you'll have to open the link printed in the output in your browser, replacing http://localhost by https://{your_instance_hash}.overleaf.comwork.(cloud|dev|info).

Then it'll ask to set a password to this admin account:


Then you'll be able to login with the password you just set!