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Handling TLS/SSL certificates


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By default, the TLS/SSL cerficate are generated using letsencrypt using an ansible role you can replace by another if you want in your IaC1 repositories.

There's a crontab set which is supposed automatically renew your certificate:

cat /etc/cron.d/ansible_letsrenew 
#Ansible: letsencrypt cron
0 0 * */1 * root bash /root/

Note : to connect to the instance using SSH, follow this tutorial.


Sometimes, the letsencrypt API is not responding a success for some reasons (rates limiting, etc).

There's a logfile you can check to understand what's happened: /root/letsencrypt.log

You can also try to renew manually with this commands:

certbot renew --force-renewal
systemctl restart nginx # only if the previous command return a success


  1. Infrastructure as Code